Are The Towing Costs Accepted

Car breakdowns happen quickly and are an expensive affair. It is particularly annoying when the car is no longer ready to drive and must be towed. Then the tow costs will be due – but not always. Because in some cases, car insurance pays the towing costs. For this, however, a few conditions must be met.

When Does The Insurance Pay The Towing Costs

Innocent Accident: If an accident has happened, the liability insurance of the polluter pays the towing costs. Nevertheless, the victims have a duty to keep costs low. However, it is not necessary to do market research to find the cheapest towing service (บริการลากรถ which is the term in Thai). The costs should be within the local range.

Self-Inflicted Accident: For the person causing the accident, the motor vehicle insurance only covers the towing costs if he has partial or full insurance has completed. Again, the costs are to be kept as low as possible.

Breakdown: Whether or not the car insurance pays for the breakdown service in case of breakdown depends on the chosen tariff. As a rule, a so-called protection letter is required, which can be added to the insurance policy.

What Is The Benefit Of A Motor Insurance Certificate

The motor insurance certificate performs a similar function as membership in the automobile club. Although the letter of protection is often not quite as comprehensive as the automobile club membership – it is much cheaper. Also, here are towing, breakdown service and mountains of the vehicle included. Also, overnight stays (if necessary) and the return journey to the hometown are covered by the protection letter. Usually, however, there is a cover for the refunds; it should be informed about the respective motor insurance. The automobile club, however, often has higher reimbursement limits. There are also other advantages, such as discounts The motor insurance certificate only applies to the insured car. The membership in the automobile club, however, is personal and usually applies to the whole family.