Get the van pledged at the most valuable price:

If someone wants their Van pledge [ รับจำนำรถตู้, which is the term in Thai] at a high cost. Then start maintaining the van and keep it in a good running condition. Because only that way one can get a good amount for their van. Because the van is something that always keeps on running and when the time came for pledge. It doesn’t get much value. So, always maintain it every often so, that it will run smoothly and will get more value than the owner thinks. Because only a good and running vehicle can gain more value from the agent. That is the basic thing for any vehicle pledging.
It applies to everyone who wants to pledge their vehicle at a higher cost. Then start maintaining it before it becomes too late. And get more value than someone thinks about their vehicle.
Vehicle pledging is trustworthy or not
Off course it is trustworthy and those who think it is not. Then it is possible that they might get cheated by the bad company or have never tried. The right company will always give the best value for a maintained vehicle. And also, will be very fair with the interest rate and all. So, the customer won’t feel like cheating. Because a good company knows a customer is like a god to them. And they won’t do cheating with such good customers. So, they are trustworthy and people can do business with them.
Companies should have center all over the country
A good company will always have centers across the country. So, people from every part of the country can get benefit from it. As many people want to use this service. So, a good company will always have their centers in every part of country.