The Advantages Of Solar Powered Electric Vehicles

While not yet a common site on roadways around the world, solar powered electric vehicles are growing in popularity among green-minded consumers. There are plenty of readily-available gas-electric hybrid vehicles and eco-friendly consumers are eagerly buying them up as fast as manufacturers can produce them. Once they begin to realize the drawbacks of gas-electric hybrid vehicles, they reconsider their purchase and begin looking into full electric vehicles from manufacturers such as Tesla and others.

This brings us to the solar powered electric vehicle and the many advantages it has over electric vehicles. Solar powered electric vehicles make an attractive alternative for today’s eco-friendly consumers who are looking for more ecologically-friendly transportation. This, of course, has innovative companies developing affordable, reliable, solar-power technology including the world’s first Never Charge electric vehicle.

With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the advantages of solar powered electric vehicles:

No Emissions- solar powered electric vehicles have electric motors, so they don’t burn fuel or produce emissions. This makes solar powered electric vehicles perfect for those who want personal transportation without adding to air pollution or greenhouse gases in the environment.

Preservation Of Natural Resources- initially, the manufacture of the various components of solar powered electric vehicles do consume energy and resources, they require no additional energy input beyond that. Solar powered electric vehicles don’t consume fuel require or oil changes, which means that their only dependence on petroleum-based products is for the lubrication of wheels or in the plastics used in replacement parts.

Driving Comfort- solar powered electric vehicles use motors which are typically much smaller than the equivalent gas engine. They also operate without the noise and vibrations associated with fuel-based vehicles, providing a smoother, more comfortable ride.

No Fuel Costs- drivers of solar powered electric vehicles can save a considerable amount of money on fuel costs as opposed to drivers of fuel-based vehicles. Sunlight is available and free to everyone during the day, making solar powered electric vehicles not only more economical, but eco-friendly as well.

The World’s First Never Charge Electric Vehicle!

Aptera has announced the launch of the world’s first Never Charge electric vehicle. In addition to a 1,000 mile battery range, their innovatively designed on-vehicle solar package enables you to travel more than 40 miles a day, and over 11,000 miles per year, without ever having to plug in. With the first grid-independent electric vehicle, you can drive more and experience the thrill of the open road without having to stop and plug in to recharge your batteries.

Contact Aptera

To learn more about the benefits of solar powered vehicles and to see the world’s first Never Charge electric vehicle, contact Aptera today!

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